tisdag 2 juni 2015


Jag fick lite inspiration efter att ha läst Erik Nohlins blogg i ämnet kalorier. Jag köpte några mattuber som jag har preppat med massvis med kalorier. Själva grunden påminner om kaksmet men som jag har blandat upp med nötter, frön av olika slag, salt och kaffe. Smakar skit gott, men jag får se vad jag tycker efter två tuber... En tub innehållet ca 1300 kalorier. En riktig lyxmiddag i randonneur sammanhang! Jag ska testa konceptet i helgen.

Tuben hittade jag på friluftvaror.se

3 kommentarer:

  1. Hey Jens, great average speed and great cycling with you for a while.
    Do you have a recipe for the paste in your food tubes? Looks very interesting.
    I was on the recumbent (liggcykel) and although some heavy and inefficient versions of these have a reputation as bad climbers, what was actually happening was as follows:
    When I was leading on the flats, I was using relatively little power to do so, compared to a road bike. However, once a climb is steep enough, I have to produce just as much power as on a road bike to keep the same speed as one, and in this case it was sending my heart rate into non-endurance friendly territory. So it's the cyclist that couldn't keep up with the climbing, not really the bike!

    1. Hi! Dito! It was a great ride! I have to try a recumbent bike some day! The looks super fast and comfy!! I have always believed that there is an advantage with the road bike since you can stand up when climbing and put more force on the drivetrain, a recumbent bike must be a completely different experience.

      Regarding the tubes. I made a last minute decision to not bring the tubes on the 600k ride so I don't know if they work.. However, the content is based on a cake batter. Sugar, egg, flower, salt, butter (melted), isotonic drink mix, cocoa, peanuts, oats.

    2. This is the blog post that got me started: http://www.bicycling.se/blogs/eriknohlin/men-hur-ater-du.htm
